Saturday, July 08, 2006

My Connection with a Word Called Marketing

It was my life first interview as a sales associate, when i was in my seventh semester. They had just asked me one question, “Sell this pen to us". Loads of answers came to my mind. But then there was one answer which never came from my mind. “If i had to sell a pen to you i would have joined some company like parker, why you”Was i selected or was i not; well i was, but then its history. I have been a sort of guy who can always get people into confidence and that’s where i stand in marketing. Marketing has always been a passion in my life and i want to do it desperately, but then my luck i could not. Why i also don’t know?You never get what you want in life, its again a "Quest for Nothing". There is one thing where i have always remained constant and fixed is that about marketing, why i want to do it and what makes me the right person to do it has been answered. But then i need a so called hyped up education MBA.Responsibilities a strong word though, makes me not go for it. I was selected at IIT Kharagpur, after my Final year, for further Post Graduate and I did not go... Why? Got calls from few MBA colleges did not go.Why? Well these are few things which i have not been able to define. Well my friends often have asked me why marketing. And for that also i don’t have an answer. I still don’t know why????

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