So, it seems ages that I have written the piece of shit ! So this is not an aberrant situation, its just that I have been missing myself for quite sometime. The pragmatic views always seem so ponderous that I find it too difficult to make it tractable. So what do I have here today?
To edit or not to edit?
I don't want to be an iconoclast here ! But then there are few things which either I have been asked about or I am thinking about. There are few things which have either exacerbated things professionally or few things personally. The esoteric discussions which I have had with myself have engendered much efficacy, which is exorbitant enough not to feign a fervent thought process.
I am floundering enough to create a homogeneous thought process where I can control the irascible part of mine which is creating a true misanthrope.
The overall thought to placate my self seems to be coming from the precursor to my current life ! This would seem rather prodigal to leave the status quo and start living life , this though seems like a specious argument, but then has to be the only way towards the Zeal to occlude the dogmatism prevailing.