A very strong word which came into the existence suddenly after a movie called Munna bhai was released was ‘Gandhigiri’, never saw the movie completely but then remember one part of the movie where Gandhi comes in and talks to the famous hero of the Bollywood (India’s Hollywood) Sanjay Dutt. A scene from the movie which came into my mind after a statue of Bhim Rao Ambedkar was allegedly found vandalized in Kanpur was when Gandhi's Statue was also vandalized and Gandhi himself asks to bring down and tear off all the statues and his photos, not because he does not want them, but where in just the opposite he wants to be remembered always, not when someone sees his statues or photographs.
Well there are many question which could be debated on, but the last two incidents of violence due to the vandalizing of two statues first of Mita Thackery (wife of Bal Thackery ) and yesterday of Bhim Rao Ambedkar has brought me into a state of dilemma. Several incidence of violence have been reported in the different part of the country and people are trying to find out the culprits. Then was this the right way to show the sentiments. Burning of train and causing harm to the public property is just not and should not be accepted, and those who commit this atrocity should be definitely tried and punished.
A famous celebrity or an Entrepreneur whatever you call him, commented once after the famous Mandal Case, " India is the only place in the world where you fight to be of a backward class”, even though this was talked about a lot in the media, one thing which was not debated was that how come a person who is supposed to rule the world in one field, be so much into the class system.Is this a new division of the country? For ages India has been divided, and this division is not on the basis of any religion, but its on the basis of one word which has always haunted India, starting from the early evolution of the mankind (a famous story of the same in Ramayana, where in there is an old lady called Shabri who was a Shudra) and that is ‘Castism. Ok before going more into this let me take you through some basics. Through ages India has been divided into the following 4 categories:
The first is Brahmin. The Learned, professors, priests…
The Second is the Kshtriyas: The warriors, soldiers, and protectors…
The third is the Vaishyas: the Commercial community, shopkeepers, and traders…
The fourth is the Shudras: The working community, those who serve the first three
What we have not understood is that, even after such a long time, Globally no one is categorized into these categories. In India immigrants (whatever this maybe defined as if people are coming to South from North, Or West to East, the people migrating have been called immigrants) have always been successfully assimilated into different communities, and this is what they should understand. We have always commiserated with them and what we don’t understand is that, we have been continuously accused of consistently and callously ill-treating them.
Clemency is one part, which has been the weakness of India and there are always few people who are just Cankers in the society. These cankers even though they maybe passionate about whatever they do, they are never cloying or sentimental. What I would call them is Insane. Points to be assimilated and thought over at this moment is that rather than giving a boisterous welcome to such an incident, we should drive on these incidents with a blithe disregard for the different intentions of the culprit. There are always certain people in the different communities who take a sadistic pleasure in doing things which tend to attenuate the peace of the society, but if the people stop being so sanctimonious, then no wonder this would has a salutary effect upon the peace of the society.
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