Monday, August 21, 2006

Just a Little Pin Prick -

Was there to a doctor few days back for a medical checkup and the best part was the Syringe did not seem to scare me , like it has always done before. It was just a little pin prick and there was no more. A full bottle (10 ml) of blood!!
Thinking about this made my memories go back to the picture of 7/11, where there were bottles of blood being taken to the Hospitals, long queues of people there voluntarily to give their blood to the victims. Liters of blood being lost and liters of blood being transferred into the Victims body! A Sikh Blood into a Christian guy and so on. Did they bother about cast or religion? It was all about saving the life. Try and save it! Who is bothered? Was any religion written on the bottles? Why are we then fighting this War? What has made us get into this war? Is it fanaticism? Fanaticism What!! According to philosopher George Santayana, "Fanaticism consists in redoubling your effort when you have forgotten your aim." What is our Aim is it that we wanted to restore peace and calm among the mankind, and we have forgotten it and we are fighting and looking in just the opposite direction. Ok let me get more into it : "The difference between a fan and a fanatic is that while both have an overwhelming liking or interest in a given subject, behavior of a fanatic will be viewed as violating prevailing social norms, while that of a fan will not violate those norms (although is usually considered unusual).(Thorne&Bruner 2006) ""Religious fanaticism - the most extreme form of religious fundamentalism, which typical takes on violent and potentially deadly dimensions." not to be pointed to a particular community .There were times, when different religious groups have shown this nature and have taken a very extreme form of what we know it as Religious Fundamentalism. There are groups who have talked themselves of being a fundamentalist, but are they really one? This is what is happening, this is the best way I could define it. Coming back to the blasts, what was being tried to be created was a Chaos, Havoc and a Catastrophe. Great leaders talk about eliminating these “Fanatics" or "Fundamentalists" from their roots, but then the point is that; can they ever remove them? This is causing not only confusions, but the reason of hostility when one community tries to meet the other, in the other dominated space. Why are the innocent people targeted over this, is a reason which is still unknown. Some believe it to be a way of creating hatred among themselves, but then we need to know after this hatred spreads, and the people are targeted, the blood flows , and the blood transferred is of the ................... ENEMY. Is it the ENEMY?

1 comment:

Harry said...

very well written bro!!
yep,the people who are trying to do everything on the name of religion is not less than any fanaticism or dogmatism.
They are not doing nythng gr88 instead of aberrating the whole world in the uncertain way in an egregious way by doing mass killings and by spreading their terror..
May God bless this uncradled world....