Saturday, May 31, 2008

An illicit Affair

Just want to say sorry to everyone out here, whom I have loved and never shared this relationship of mine :(. Sorry once again. All I wanted to write about this relation of mine, I could not help it and today I make it public !!! Here is the song for her initially

That I just got dumped
I just got dumped
Dissed, Dismissed
Whatever the hell it is
I just got dumped
It was kinda out blue
It was kinda not true
At the time at least
Cuz I was to high to believe

Well I fell in love with ,where half of my college was in love, the name started of with M and ended with A, ah so beautiful, I knew my life would be so rosy after I get her.
Well if i get it, pyaar to milega saath mein dahej life time ka . Wow I was so happy.
My whole funda of life was that never spend a single amount on your love, but for this newly found love in my college, I started spending, dates every Sunday.
I was meeting with her every day, everywhere, classes college library, then on the table and bed in the night, I was falling in madly for her.There were times when I dated in the bathrooms too ;-).
There were times when I decided to give up my old love, there were times when I ditched my friends. Bunked classes, gave up drinking what all I did not do. Even cut myself to see how much I bleed. Met with accidents to meet up with the dates. Travel 100 miles every Sunday just to have a date with her. There were times when I started meeting people because of this affair, but then I was hating them too, because I came to know , that they were too after her.Ah God how much I hated them ! My affair was never so smooth, and I knew there were some sort of ditches involved.But then I was one who did not believe in the word Destiny, because I had always made my destiny. And this was the time when I really understood that I. This is the reason that I still love her.Well let me go further.I was so happy and frustrated in this relation of mine. I knew the time is coming, my college is coming to an end and I have to answer now to my parents and everybody , as to whats this new relation and where it is taking me !!
Then ultimately in July,3 months of a very good affair I get to know that marriage is on the cards.The marriage dates not finalized and engagement dates also not, but went ahead and registered in the court in November, and they told me they would scrutinize everything and then I would get to know whether everyone agrees or not in January.
Come January and the whole world comes crashing ..
sob sob I try to fix a date every year , thinking that My love would come to me one day, not till now !!

Oops and here is the name MBA .......... sob sob . Ayega Ayega ........oops .. Ayegi Ayegi....

1 comment:

uday said...

the poem is really gud one...
i riched to ur blog through pagalguy....