The countdown starts again, this time it’s for 2 days. One 31st August and the other one yet to be released by the so called autonomous institutes of India, which though autonomous are governed by the best politicians in the world against whom, there are several criminal cases pending yet they don’t even try to blink from committing a second crime, and against whom several homicide murder cases could have been framed but were never done. Well, let’s leave these things apart and let me start off with my dirty politics of my so called life which has to go on now for the next few months which may obviously try to havoc certain parts of my life, where in this could be for a better me tomorrow. The importance of coffee though has been mentioned in my previous blog would definitely try to show a good show. Coming to the next part of it, what is essence of living this life and why is this a countdown which I am referring in my blog, to be honest I have lost touch with few of my skills major being writing and reading and am desperately trying to regain them back, hence decided to write and start of with this blog itself. Few of my friends started even asking me, why have you stopped? Well that’s not the reason to start writing again; it’s that I cannot loose my passion and my hobby, whatever phase of life I am in.
Oh not at all, it was just that I started finding my self to be curmudgeon.
Well whatever all I can say that I was simply a Dolt!!!
However with the countdown beginning and with me writing this blog 31st August is just round the corner and mid-November (tentatively) is just round the other corner, and since I don’t want again to be dolorous , I have to dislodge from my current activity and hence, need something by which I can give my IT carrier a euthanasia !!!
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